CockroachDB Cloud Releases

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CockroachDB Cloud supports the latest major version of CockroachDB and the version immediately preceding it. For more information, see the CockroachDB Cloud Upgrade Policy.

For details on features that are not supported in CockroachDB Serverless, see Unsupported Features in CockroachDB Serverless.

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July 31, 2024

General updates

  • When creating a new CockroachDB Dedicated cluster, you can now select the cluster's major version. The default option is the latest stable version. At any given time, you may be able to choose from additional stable releases or experimental Pre-Production Preview releases. Patch releases within a major version are applied automatically.

July 19, 2024

General updates

  • CockroachDB Cloud is now available as a pay-as-you-go offering on the AWS Marketplace. This allows AWS customers to pay for CockroachDB Cloud charges via their AWS accounts, with no up-front commitments. For more detail, refer to:

July 18, 2024

Security updates

  • The maximum number of IP allowlist entries has increased from 7 to 20 for CockroachDB Dedicated on AWS.

June 26, 2024

General updates

  • The qatarcentral (Doha) region has been disabled for CockroachDB Dedicated clusters on Azure due to capacity issues. To express interest in this region, contact your account team.

June 17, 2024

Security updates

June 14, 2024

General updates

  • Deletion protection, which helps to prevent a cluster in CockroachDB Cloud from being deleted by mistake, is generally available for CockroachDB Serverless and CockroachDB Dedicated clusters. A user with permission to delete a cluster can enable deletion protection for the cluster. Refer to the instructions for CockroachDB Serverless and CockroachDB Dedicated.

June 12, 2024

General updates

  • CockroachDB Dedicated on AWS is now available in new regions:
    • ap-east-1 (Hong Kong)
    • ap-southeast-3 (Jakarta)
    • ca-west-1 (Calgary)
    • eu-south-1 (Milan)
    • il-central-1 (Tel Aviv)
    • me-south-1 (Bahrain)

Security updates

May 20, 2024

General updates

  • CockroachDB v24.1 is now generally available for CockroachDB Dedicated, and is scheduled to be made available for CockroachDB Self-Hosted on June 3, 2024. For more information, refer to Create a CockroachDB Dedicated Cluster or Upgrade to CockroachDB v24.1.
  • CockroachDB Dedicated on AWS is now available in the me-central-1(United Arab Emirates) region.
  • CockroachDB Dedicated on GCP is now available in new regions:
    • europe-southwest1 (Madrid)
    • europe-west8 (Milan)
    • europe-west12 (Paris)
    • me-central1 (Doha)
    • me-west1 (Tel Aviv)
    • us-east5 (Columbus)
    • us-south1 (Dallas)

Security updates

May 12, 2024

Security updates

April 18, 2024

General updates

  • CockroachDB Dedicated clusters on Azure can now be created in the following regions:

    Geographic Area Region Name Location
    Africa southafricanorth Johannesburg
    Asia Pacific japaneast Tokyo
    koreacentral Seoul
    Middle East qatarcentral Doha
    uaenorth Dubai
    southcentralus Texas
    westus3 Washington
    Western Europe francecentral Paris
    norwayeast Oslo
    polandcentral Warsaw
    swedencentral Gävle
    switzerlandnorth Zürich

April 17, 2024

General updates

April 9, 2024

Security updates

  • The paths field of an Egress Perimeter Control egress rule is now deprecated and will be removed in the future. The CockroachDB Cloud API ignores this field and applies an egress rule to all egress requests to the specified network destination.

March 20, 2024

Security updates

  • All CockroachDB Cloud organizations have been migrated to use fine-grained roles. The following deprecated legacy roles have been removed:
    • Org Administrator (Legacy)
    • Org Developer (Legacy)

March 19, 2024

General updates

  • You can now use the CockroachDB Cloud Console to add or remove regions for an existing CockroachDB Dedicated cluster on Azure.

March 8, 2024

General updates

  • You can now add or remove regions from an existing CockroachDB Dedicated cluster on Azure, rather than only during cluster creation.

February 6, 2024

General updates

  • Folder names can now include apostrophes. For details about folder naming, refer to Folder Naming.

February 5, 2024

Console changes

  • CockroachDB Dedicated clusters now have a Metrics page in the Console with charts to Monitor SQL Activity and Identify SQL Problems. On the Metrics page, a Custom tab takes you to the Custom Metrics Chart page (available in preview) where you can create custom charts showing the time series data for an available metric or combination of metrics.

January 29, 2024

General updates

January 25, 2024

General updates

January 17, 2024

General updates

December 21, 2023

General updates

December 19, 2023

General updates

December 14, 2023

Security updates

November 29, 2023

Security updates

November 08, 2023

General changes

  • For CockroachDB Dedicated clusters, the ability to add and remove regions through the CockroachDB Cloud Console has now been restored.

October 17, 2023

General changes

  • New CockroachDB Dedicated clusters on Azure can be created in the Pune (centralindia) cloud region.

October 4, 2023

General changes

  • New CockroachDB Dedicated clusters on Azure can be created in the Singapore (southeastasia) cloud region.

October 2, 2023

General changes

Console changes

  • CockroachDB Serverless clusters now have a Custom Metrics Chart page available in preview. From the Metrics page in the Console, navigate to the Custom tab to create custom charts showing the time series data for an available metric or combination of metrics.

September 29, 2023

General changes

General changes

September 22, 2023

General changes

September 11, 2023

General changes

  • The Cloud Console's SQL Shell is now available in limited access. This feature enables you to run queries on your cluster directly from the Cloud Console. To enroll your organization, contact your Cockroach Labs account team.

September 8, 2023

General changes

September 6, 2023

General changes

  • CockroachDB Dedicated maintenance windows now include all kinds of cluster maintenance operations in addition to patch upgrades.

September 1, 2023

General changes

August 22, 2023

General changes

August 16, 2023

General changes

August 9, 2023

Console changes

  • The Updating cluster status in the Console has been replaced with the Available (Maintenance in Progress) status to clarify that clusters are available for reading and writing data during maintenance upgrades.

August 1, 2023

General changes

  • Serverless pricing changes that went into effect for newly-created organizations beginning on May 1, 2023 are now in effect for all organizations. Review the new pricing, and review your current resource limits to prevent disruptions to your service.

July 31, 2023

Console changes

  • The primary navigation to the Clusters, Billing, Alerts, and Organization pages in the CockroachDB Cloud Console is now displayed at the top of the page instead of on the left.

July 24, 2023

Security updates

Console changes

  • ccloud v0.5.11 is now available. This update includes a new --skip-ip-check flag that allows users to skip the client-side IP allowlist check when connecting to a cluster using the ccloud cluster sql command.

July 21, 2023

Security updates

  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): When configured appropriately for PCI DSS Compliance, CockroachDB Dedicated advanced also meets the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, commonly referred to as HIPAA. HIPAA defines standards for the storage and handling of personally-identifiable information (PII) related to patient healthcare and health insurance, which is also known as protected-health information (PHI). To learn more, refer to Regulatory Compliance in CockroachDB Dedicated.

July 10, 2023

General changes

  • Previously, a default setting in the Amazon CloudWatch exporter could cause redundant cardinality in metrics exported from CockroachDB Dedicated clusters, which unnecessarily increased costs. This option is now disabled to reduce AWS costs.

Console changes

  • The Add database button on the Databases page of the Console is temporarily disabled.
  • CockroachDB Dedicated restore jobs now have the following more descriptive statuses: Preparing, Running, Reverting, Finalizing, Succeeded, and Failed statuses. Additionally, destination clusters of self-service restores now display a Restoring state during the restore.
  • The Databases page now includes additional statistics for clusters running v23.1.0 and later.
  • You can now set up an AWS CloudWatch integration and view its status directly from the Tools page of the CockroachDB Cloud Console.

Security updates

  • CockroachDB Serverless users can now configure an IP allowlist with up to 50 allowlist rules for their clusters.
  • The following roles are now available for users of the limited access fine-grained access control authorization model:

    • Cluster Operator
    • Billing Coordinator
    • Org Administrator

    To enroll your organization in the new authorization model, contact your Cockroach Labs account team.

June 05, 2023

Console changes

  • Organizations that have purchased premium support will now see it included in their invoices.
  • Cross-cluster restores are now limited to CockroachDB Dedicated clusters with a major version greater than or equal to the major version of the source cluster.
  • The Restore jobs tab of the Backups page now shows more information about a restore job, such as the source and destination clusters, the restore type, the backup size, and the job's progress.

Security updates

Bug fixes

  • The status returned by the logexport Cloud API endpoint is now determined by the state of both the latest log export's job state and the readiness of the underlying logging resources. Before this change, a GET request to the logexport endpoint could report an outdated log export status that conflicted with the latest log export update job state or with the most recent state of the logging infrastructure.
  • Fixed a bug where concurrent restores could run on the same destination cluster and cause the destination cluster to become unusable.
  • Fixed a bug where the IOPS price preview shown when creating or editing a cluster was inaccurate.
  • The Group tab is now shown only to users who have this feature enabled. Previously, an error page was shown to users who navigated to the Group tab without enabling the feature.

May 31, 2023

Security updates

May 15, 2023

In addition to many of the Feature Highlights in the CockroachDB v23.1.0 Release Notes, the following features are specifically available to Cloud clusters once they are upgraded:

General changes

Console changes

May 10, 2023

Security updates

  • Egress Perimeter Controls, which allow you to restrict egress from a CockroachDB Dedicated cluster to a list of specified external destinations, are now generally available for CockroachDB Dedicated advanced clusters.

May 1, 2023

General changes

The following changes were made to CockroachDB Serverless for new organizations created on or after April 26, 2023. Existing organizations will not be affected until August 1, 2023.

  • The price of Request Units (RUs) increased from $1 per 10M RU to $2 per 10M RUs.
  • The price of storage decreased from $1 per 1 GiB storage to $0.50 per 1 GiB storage.
  • Free resources are allocated on a per-organization basis instead of a per-cluster basis. All All non-contract organizations will now receive 50M Request Units per month and 10 GiB of storage for free. Free resources do not apply to contract customers.
  • All resources are available instantly at the beginning of each month (burst and baseline RUs are now deprecated).
  • You can now set separate RU and storage limits for your clusters, or set a spend limit that will be divided between resources automatically.
  • You can now set unlimited resources for a cluster so your workload is never restricted.
  • Organizations on the free plan will have at most one free serverless cluster (instead of the previous limit of five free clusters). Cockroach Labs will continue to maintain all existing free clusters with the new organization-level free resources.
  • Organizations can now create 200 serverless clusters instead of the previous maximum of five total clusters.

For an in-depth explanation of CockroachDB Serverless pricing, refer to Pricing. For any questions or concerns, please contact Support.

Console changes

Cloud API changes

  • Cloud API responses now contain a header called Cc-Trace-Id that can be provided to Support to help with diagnostics or troubleshooting.
  • The CreateCluster and UpdateCluster methods now support setting individual monthly limits for a cluster's Request Units and storage usage.
  • If your organization is enrolled in the new fine-grained authorization model described under Security Updates, you can assign the new roles to both users and service accounts using the Cloud API or Terraform provider in addition to the Console.

Security updates

  • CockroachDB Cloud is transitioning to a new authorization model that offers fine-grained access-control (FGAC), meaning that users can be given access to exactly the actions and resources required to perform their tasks. Changes include cluster-level roles and consistent access management across users and service accounts. This feature is in limited access, and you can enroll your organization by contacting your account team. For more information, see Managing Access (Authorization) in CockroachDB Cloud.

  • You can now use client certificates to authenticate to CockroachDB Dedicated clusters. First, a cluster administrator needs to upload a CA certificate for the cluster using the Cloud API or Terraform provider. After that, individual users can be assigned client certificates signed by the uploaded CA certificate, which they can then use to connect to the cluster. This feature is in limited access, and you can enroll your organization by contacting your account team.

Bug fixes

  • The Connect to your cluster dialog and Databases page in the Console now respond significantly faster for clusters with over 100 databases.
  • Fixed a bug where table and database restores were disabled for clusters running CockroachDB versions v22.2.6 or below.

April 26, 2023

Security updates

April 10, 2023

General changes

Cloud API changes

  • You can now upgrade, roll back, or manually finalize a pending upgrade to your cluster using the Cloud API.
  • The Cloud API endpoints that were in preview for configuring metric export have been replaced with specific endpoints for each supported third-party tool integration. For example, EnableMetricExport is now replaced by EnableDatadogMetricExport and EnableCloudWatchMetricExport.

Security updates

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where a 404 error would display when navigating from certain pages to the Clusters page.
  • Removed an unnecessary warning that could appear when downloading CA certificates for CockroachDB Serverless clusters.

March 31, 2023

Security updates

  • Private Clusters are now generally available for CockroachDB Dedicated. A private cluster's nodes have no public IP addresses.
  • Customer-Managed Encryption Keys (CMEK) is now generally available for CockroachDB Dedicated private clusters. CMEK allows you to protect data at rest in a CockroachDB Dedicated cluster using a cryptographic key that is entirely within your control, hosted in a supported cloud provider key-management system (KMS).

March 06, 2023

Security updates

February 9, 2023

General changes

  • For CockroachDB Dedicated clusters, the ability to add and remove regions through the CockroachDB Cloud Console has been temporarily disabled. If you need to add or remove regions from a cluster, contact Support.

February 6, 2023

General changes

Console changes

  • CockroachDB Serverless clusters' regions are now displayed on the Cluster Overview page and Clusters page.
  • The links in the sidebar navigation of the Cluster Overview page have been reorganized into sections under relevant headers.
  • For CockroachDB Dedicated clusters, the Monitoring page is now called the Tools page and is located in the Monitoring section of the sidebar.

Cloud API changes

Security updates

  • CockroachDB Dedicated is now compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). To learn more about achieving PCI DSS compliance with CockroachDB Dedicated, contact your Cockroach Labs account team.
  • Cloud Organization Single Sign-On (SSO) is now available to all CockroachDB Cloud users.
  • For CockroachDB Cloud organizations enrolled in the Customer-managed Encryption Key (CMEK) preview, note that the following conditions must now be met before enabling CMEK for a CockroachDB Dedicated cluster:
    • The cluster must be running CockroachDB v22.2.0 or later.
    • The cluster must have been created as a private cluster. To create a private cluster, your organization must be enrolled in the private cluster preview, which is separate from the CMEK preview. Contact your Cockroach Labs account team to enroll in both previews.
  • For CockroachDB Cloud organizations enrolled in the Egress Perimeter Controls preview, note that CockroachDB Dedicated clusters must have been created as private clusters in order to enable Egress Perimeter Controls. To create a private cluster, your organization must be enrolled in the private cluster preview, which is separate from the Egress Perimeter Controls preview. Contact your Cockroach Labs account team to enroll in both previews.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where users granted the Developer role in a CockroachDB Cloud organization incorrectly had certain permissions for any cluster in the organization. Refer to this technical advisory for more information.

February 2, 2023

General changes

  • CockroachDB Serverless users can now access cloud storage without entering billing information.

January 9, 2023

Console changes

  • CockroachDB Dedicated clusters running CockroachDB v22.1.8 or later now have a separate tab for incomplete backup jobs on the Backups page.

Cloud API changes

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug for CockroachDB Dedicated clusters where the Datadog setup dialog was not rendering properly.

December 5, 2022

Console changes

  • CockroachDB Serverless clusters now have a Metrics page in the Console with charts to Monitor SQL Activity and Identify SQL Problems.
  • The p99.9 and p99.99 latencies are now shown in the SQL Connection Latency and SQL Statement Latency charts on the Metrics page for CockroachDB Serverless clusters.
  • The Last used column on the Table Details page now uses the UTC timezone.
  • The CockroachDB Serverless Cost estimator has been temporarily disabled while a bug is being fixed.

Cloud API changes

  • A preview of log export for CockroachDB Dedicated users is now available. To enroll your organization in the preview, contact your Cockroach Labs account team.

Bug fixes

  • Trial coupon limits for CockroachDB Dedicated clusters' storage and compute are now enforced in the Edit cluster dialog.
  • Fixed a bug where backups shown for a particular day included backups for midnight on the following day.
  • Fixed a bug on the Databases page where the number of index recommendations displayed for a database was inconsistent with the actual number of index recommendations for the database.
  • Fixed a bug that could break the Databases page when fetching index usage statistics for databases.

November 7, 2022

General changes

  • The following new regions are now available for all CockroachDB Dedicated clusters:

    Frankfurt, Germany (europe-west3) Osaka, Japan (ap-northeast-3)
    Montréal, Québec (ca-central-1)
    Stockholm, Sweden (eu-north-1)

Console changes

  • Added an icon next to a cluster's name on the Billing overview page to indicate when a cluster has been deleted.
  • The Database page in the CockroachDB Cloud Console now shows the last time table statistics were updated.

Cloud API changes

  • The Cloud API documentation now indicates which endpoints are in preview.

Bug fixes

  • The Sessions link on the Overview page now redirects to the correct tab on the SQL Activity page.
  • Fixed a bug where stale data caused Connect modal errors immediately after creating a CockroachDB Serverless cluster.
  • Fixed a bug where backup metadata payloads were limited to 4MiB instead of the desired 32MiB.
  • Fixed a bug where the node-aggregated low disk alert was not firing.

October 3, 2022

Bug fixes

  • The CockroachDB Cloud Console now utilizes the same cluster setting as the DB Console, sql.index_recommendation.drop_unused_duration, as a threshold value for dropping unused indexes.
  • Fixed a bug where AWS PrivateLink endpoints could fail to create but display an error message that said they were still creating.

September 24, 2022

Console changes

  • You can now create a database directly from the Databases page of the CockroachDB Cloud Console.

September 16, 2022

Console changes

September 8, 2022

Console changes

  • Previously, when trying to remove a region from a three-region cluster, only the second and third regions were removable. Two regions must be removed at once because a two-region cluster is not a valid configuration, but users can now select any two regions to remove.
  • The character limit for cluster names was raised from 20 to 40 characters.

Cloud API changes

  • Added the ability to create, edit, and delete a database through the Cloud API.

Bug fixes

  • In the CockroachDB Serverless connection dialog, the inline password input has been given a placeholder value to prevent it from interacting in unexpected ways with password managers.

August 8, 2022

Console changes

  • CockroachDB Dedicated users can now choose any of the available hardware options when configuring a cluster. Previously, there were restrictions based on which storage and compute combinations were recommended for best performance.
  • In the Connect to your cluster dialog, your previous SQL user, database, and connection method selections are now cached to make it easier to re-connect to your cluster.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the SQL Activity tab for clusters running different CockroachDB versions did not always load version-appropriate UI components.
  • Fixed a bug where the Statements table on a transaction's Transaction Details page sometimes showed an incorrect number of statements.

July 28, 2022

General changes

  • All of your organization's invoices are now available on the Billing page.

July 27, 2022

General changes

  • You can now add and remove regions from CockroachDB Dedicated clusters through the CockroachDB Cloud Console. This change makes it easier to support users in new locations or scale down your cluster.

July 6, 2022

Console changes

  • The Connect to your cluster dialog now includes code snippets for supported languages and tools.
  • The Connect to your cluster dialog for clusters running CockroachDB v22.1 now loads more quickly.
  • If users log in using an SSO method other than the one they have used previously, they will now be asked if they want to switch to the new login method.
  • Previously, CockroachDB Dedicated users could only choose storage amounts within the recommendations for the selected machine size. Now, a warning message will appear if the storage is outside the recommended range, but any storage option can be selected.
  • The date and time selection on the Statements and Transactions pages now defaults to UTC and has an improved design.

Bug fixes

June 6, 2022

General changes

Console changes

Cloud API changes

  • Paginated API endpoints now accept a single page parameter for next or previous pages. Pagination response messages now contain only two fields: next_page and previous_page, whose values can be used for the page field in a followup call.

May 5, 2022

Console changes

May 2, 2022

Console changes

  • Added Distributed execution and Vectorized execution information to the Overview tab of the Statement Details page.
  • Added FULL SCAN information to the Explain plan tab of the Statement Details page.
  • Users without accounts can now accept invitations by creating a user using SSO-based authorization such as GitHub.
  • Timeseries charts are now displayed in UTC.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed broken links to the Statement Details page from the Advanced Debug and Sessions pages.
  • Fixed a bug where regenerating a SQL user password would fail with a duplicate user warning.
  • Deleted clusters will no longer be visible after they've been deleted. Previously, a full page refresh was needed to update the Clusters page.
  • Fixed a bug that caused charges on the Cluster overview page to show an error state for users with the Developer role. Cluster charges are now hidden for Developers and only available to users with the Admin role.
  • Fixed a bug where adding decimals to a CockroachDB Serverless cluster's spend limit would cause an error, but the spend limit could still be set.
  • Fixed a bug where opening or closing the list of nodes on a multi-node CockroachDB Dedicated cluster's Cluster overview page would result in a duplicated row of nodes.
  • Fixed a bug for credit card users where the credit card form was occasionally loading as a blank box. Now, the credit card form will always load properly without needing to refresh the page.

April 27, 2022

General changes

  • CockroachDB Dedicated contract customers can now scale clusters through the Console.

Console changes

  • Contract customers can now view information about their organization's credit grants on the Overview tab of the Billing page.

April 20, 2022

Console changes

  • SQL user passwords are now generated and saved automatically to simplify the connection experience.
  • When connecting to your cluster, the CA certificate download is now hidden once you have already downloaded the certificate.

Documentation changes

April 4, 2022

Console changes

March 7, 2022

Console changes

  • CockroachDB Cloud clusters now have a Databases page in the Console, which shows your databases, tables, indexes, and grants.
  • When creating or editing a SQL user, passwords are now generated and saved automatically when users click the Generate and save password button. Previously, users had to enter passwords manually and remember to save them.
  • CockroachDB Dedicated users can now restore databases configured for multiple regions.

February 10, 2022

General changes

  • New CockroachDB Dedicated clusters can now be created with custom hardware options. Previously, there were four hardware options, and compute and storage were linked.
  • CockroachDB Dedicated users can now scale a cluster's compute and storage. Previously, the only way to scale up a CockroachDB Dedicated cluster was by adding more nodes.

Console changes

  • There is now a Hardware column on the Clusters page that shows the hardware configuration for CockroachDB Dedicated clusters.

February 7, 2022

General changes

  • Six new regions are available for CockroachDB Serverless clusters:

    California (us-west2) Mumbai (ap-south-1)
    Sao Paulo (southamerica-east1) Frankfurt (eu-central-1)
    South Carolina (us-east1) N. Virginia (us-east-1)

Console changes

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a number of broken links throughout the CockroachDB Cloud Console.
  • Fixed a bug where CockroachDB Serverless users were seeing occasional dips and spikes in a cluster's Request Units usage graph while running a steady workload.

January 10, 2022

General changes

  • New CockroachDB Dedicated clusters will now run v21.2.3.
  • CockroachDB Serverless clusters will now run CockroachDB v21.2.0-beta.4.
  • The CockroachDB documentation navigation is now organized by user task instead of by product for CockroachDB Serverless, CockroachDB Dedicated, and CockroachDB Self-Hosted v21.2. Topics specific to Serverless and Dedicated clusters are within the new top-level user task categories. CockroachDB Cloud release notes are under Reference.

Console changes

  • The Billing page is now separated into two tabs, Overview and Payment Details.

December 6, 2021

General changes

  • New CockroachDB Dedicated clusters will now run v21.2.1.
  • CockroachDB Serverless clusters will now run CockroachDB v21.2.0-beta.4.
  • New CockroachDB Cloud clusters will now have Admission Control enabled by default.

Console changes

  • The Add/remove nodes button is now disabled for custom clusters. If you are a contract customer and would like to scale your custom cluster, contact Support.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where an error was occurring on the VPC Peering and AWS PrivateLink pages for clusters with a large number of jobs.
  • Fixed a bug where the Test email alerts section on the Alerts page was not visible for organizations with only custom clusters.
  • Fixed a bug where users were prompted to upgrade CockroachDB Serverless clusters, which are upgraded automatically.
  • Previously, SQL metrics graphs for inactive CockroachDB Serverless clusters showed discontinuous time series lines or an error message. Continuous graphs will now remain available for scaled-down clusters.

November 8, 2021

General changes

  • CockroachDB Serverless, a fully-managed, auto-scaling deployment of CockroachDB, is now available. To get started with CockroachDB Serverless for free, see the Quickstart.
  • CockroachDB Cloud Free (beta) and CockroachDB Cloud are now CockroachDB Serverless and CockroachDB Dedicated, respectively. Your ability to use your cluster will not be affected.
  • CockroachDB Serverless clusters will now run CockroachDB v21.2.0-beta.4.
  • New CockroachDB Dedicated clusters will now run CockroachDB v21.1.11.

Console changes

  • The Statements, Transactions, and Sessions pages are now available for CockroachDB Serverless clusters on the SQL Activity page.
  • Statements and transaction statistics are now retained longer for all clusters.
  • Legends are now displayed by default for time-series graphs on the Cluster Overview page.
  • The Transaction retries metric is no longer part of the Current activity panel on the CockroachDB Serverless Cluster Overview page.
  • Deleting an organization with outstanding charges that have not been billed is now prohibited.
  • There is now a more clear error message for users attempting to log into CockroachDB Cloud using GitHub when they have email and password authentication configured.
  • Average RU usage is now shown in the Request Units chart for the CockroachDB Serverless Cluster Overview page.
  • The PowerShell command to download the CockroachDB binary is now improved for Windows users.
  • When under 1 GiB of storage has been used, storage is now shown in MiB instead of GiB in the Storage used graph on the CockroachDB Serverless Cluster Overview page.
  • A more descriptive error message is now displayed when attempting to create or edit a SQL user with an invalid username.
  • Previously, clicking cancel while editing a cluster would take users back to the Clusters page. Now, users are taken back to the cluster's Overview page.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where, if a user had reached the maximum number of CockroachDB Serverless clusters and refreshed the Create your cluster page, the CockroachDB Serverless plan was auto-selected even though it is disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking Cancel while logging in with GitHub would report and internal error.
  • Fixed a bug where organization deletion was temporarily broken.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the Request Units and SQL Statements graphs on the CockroachDB Serverless Cluster Overview page from updating after a certain amount of time.

October 4, 2021

General changes

  • New CockroachDB Cloud clusters will now run CockroachDB v21.1.9.

Bug fixes

Miscellaneous changes

  • Cluster names are now included in cluster creation email alerts.

September 7, 2021

General changes

  • New CockroachDB Cloud clusters will now run CockroachDB v21.1.7.

Console changes

  • All pages shown to logged out users are now optimized for mobile devices.

  • Improved the error message when an AWS PrivateLink endpoint request fails.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed tooltip behavior on Sessions, Statements, and Transactions pages.

  • Fixed a bug where clicking on the label of the Terms of Service checkbox would select the Terms of Service checkbox when signing up with GitHub.

August 9, 2021

General changes

  • New CockroachDB Cloud clusters will now run CockroachDB v21.1.6.
  • CockroachDB Cloud Free (beta) users can now perform backups (IMPORT, BACKUP, RESTORE and CDC) with userfile storage.

Console changes

  • Improved user experience on the Cluster Overview page for a deleted cluster.
  • Improved error message for cluster upgrade failures.
  • SQL-related restore errors are now shown in the Console, allowing users to take action.

Security changes

  • Password reset tokens will now expire after 24 hours.
  • Email change tokens are now single use and will expire.
  • Email change links are now revoked during certain user events such as password resets.
  • Resetting the password of a SQL user no longer grants that user the admin SQL role.

June 7, 2021

General changes

  • New CockroachDB Cloud clusters will now run CockroachDB v21.1.1.

Console changes

  • All CockroachDB Cloud Dedicated users now have access to the Statements and Sessions pages in the Console.
  • All CockroachDB Cloud Dedicated users now have access to the Alerts page in the Console, which allows you to toggle alerts, send test alerts, and manage alert recipients for your Organization.
  • Previously, users were getting stuck during the verification step of creating an AWS PrivateLink endpoint. Now, users can enter the verification step of the Add Endpoint Connection dialog with an incomplete connection endpoint ID preset.
  • Added a Cloud column to the Clusters page so users can see which cloud provider any cluster is using without having to click through to the Cluster Overview page.
  • The maximum number of nodes in a cluster created through the Console was raised to 50 nodes per region and 150 nodes per cluster.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where clicking the Logout button would trigger an error and display a blank page.
  • The page will no longer refresh after switching the authentication method through the Account page.
  • Switching organizations will no longer log you out of all sessions.

July 6, 2021

General changes

  • New CockroachDB Cloud clusters will now run CockroachDB v21.1.5.
  • Starting this month, paid CockroachDB Cloud clusters will be billed monthly instead of every two weeks.

Console changes

  • Multi-region clusters can now be created through the Console. To learn more about creating a multi-region cluster, see Planning your cluster.
  • The Connect modal now has updated commands to make connecting to your cluster a smoother experience on Mac, Linux, and Windows.
  • All CockroachDB Cloud users now have access to the Transactions page in the Console.
  • Navigation on the Clusters page is now a vertical sidebar instead of horizontal tabs.
  • Added a tooltip to the Upgrade option in the Action Menu, which gives users more version-specific context.
  • Users can now Clear SQL Stats from the Statements page for clusters running v21.1.3 or later.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where clicking on the Alerts page broke the Organization header for users with multiple Organizations.
  • Fixed a bug where nodes were cycling in clusters running v21.1.4.
  • Fixed several broken links to documentation throughout the Console.
  • Users will no longer see alerts for clusters that are not in a ready state.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing users to receive false positive CPU alerts.

May 3, 2021

General changes

  • New CockroachDB Cloud clusters will now run CockroachDB v20.2.8.
  • CockroachDB Cloud Free clusters are now available in four additional regions:
    • GCP: europe-west1, asia-southeast1
    • AWS: eu-west-1, ap-southeast-1

Console changes

  • New users can now sign up for CockroachDB Cloud with Github Authorization. Logging in with GitHub allows users to enforce GitHub's two-factor authentication (2FA) on their CockroachDB Cloud account. Current users can switch their login method between email and GitHub.
  • When logging in fails due to user input, the error message now includes login method as a potential reason for failure.
  • Previously, selecting a new cloud provider while creating a cluster would reset the Region and Hardware per node options to default. Now, equivalent region and hardware options are preselected, and the number of nodes per region is preserved when a new cloud provider is selected.

Bug fixes

April 5, 2021

General changes

New CockroachDB Cloud clusters will now run CockroachDB v20.2.7.

Console changes

  • The login form no longer focuses on the email field on page load. This change makes the form more flexible once other authentication methods are available.
  • Extraneous information is no longer displayed in the error for failed GCP peering attempts.
  • Added a resource panel to the CockroachDB Cloud Console, which can be accessed by clicking the ? icon in the top right corner of the Console. Included in the resource panel are links to relevant documentation, Cockroach University, the CockroachDB Slack community, and much more.
  • Created a new Status Page that displays the current service status and incident communication of the CockroachDB Cloud Console, AWS services, and GCP services.

Bug fixes

  • The region shown in the CockroachDB Cloud Console for free-tier clusters is now correct. Previously, the Console showed the wrong region when creating an AWS free-tier cluster.
  • Fixed a bug where an error occurred when displaying the Connect modal for an old GCP cluster that does not have the custom crdb network. These clusters do not support VPC peering, but the lack of the crdb network was causing the listing of VPC peerings to fail even though no such peerings exist.

March 8, 2021

General changes

New CockroachDB Cloud clusters will now run CockroachDB v20.2.5.

Console changes

  • Self-service AWS PrivateLink is now generally available for CockroachDB Cloud clusters running on AWS.
  • On the Clusters page, clusters that are running unsupported versions now have a warning in the Version column.

Security changes

  • CockroachDB Cloud now does not include the supplied password in error messages that arise from resetting, editing, or creating a password when the password is too short.
  • CockroachDB Cloud now prevents clickjacking attacks by specifying X-Frame-Options: DENY when serving index.html.

Bug fixes

  • Previously, users who were not a member of any organization would get an error when trying to reset their password. A user would most likely encounter this scenario if they deleted their organization, tried to log in again, and didn't remember their password. Now, an organization will be created for the user if one does not exist. The organization name can be edited on the Settings tab on the organization's landing page.

February 9, 2021

General changes

New CockroachDB Cloud clusters will now run CockroachDB v20.2.4.

  • CockroachDB Cloud Free is now in beta. CockroachDB Cloud Free (beta) delivers free CockroachDB clusters for you and your organization. It is a managed instance of CockroachDB that removes the friction of initial cluster sizing and auto-scales based on your application traffic. There is an upper limit of usage of up to 1 vCPU and 5GB storage per free cluster.

    You can submit feedback or log any bugs you find through this survey.

  • You can now restore databases and tables from backups of CockroachDB Cloud clusters. This feature is only available to clusters running the paid version of CockroachDB Cloud.

  • reCAPTCHA has been added to the sign up process for new users signing up with an email and password. Some users may need to complete an image challenge.

  • An email will now be sent to Org Administrators when a 30-day free trial of CockroachDB Cloud is nearing its end and once it has expired.

January 22, 2021

General changes

New CockroachDB Cloud clusters will now run CockroachDB v20.2.3.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where deleting your only organization would prevent your email from being used for a new organization in the future.
  • Fixed a bug where VPC peering appeared to be available on clusters that it wasn't supported on.

December 11, 2020

General changes

New clusters will now run CockroachDB v20.2.2.

  • CockroachDB Cloud is now offering larger machine sizes to be configured directly in the Console. You will now be able to select from four options in the create cluster workflow. The pricing has also been updated for newly created clusters. Existing clusters are not impacted by the pricing changes.

November 19, 2020

General changes

New CockroachDB Cloud clusters will now run CockroachDB v20.2.0.

July 6, 2020

General changes

  • You can now update your email address and password in your profile.

Console changes

You can now add or remove nodes from your cluster through the Console.


At this time, you cannot use the Console to scale up a single-node cluster or scale down to a single-node cluster. For these changes, contact Support.

June 11, 2020

General changes

  • You can now create a 30-day free CockroachDB Cloud cluster using the code CRDB30. The Quickstart guide shows you how to create and connect to your free cluster and run your first query.

  • You can now edit your name in your profile.

May 4, 2020

General changes

April 6, 2020

General changes

  • Free trials of CockroachDB Cloud are now available. Contact us to request a trial code.
  • CockroachDB Cloud now supports VPC peering for clusters running on GCP. Contact us to set up a VPC peering-enabled CockroachDB Cloud cluster.

Security changes

CockroachDB Cloud now requires a user to have a CockroachDB Cloud account before accepting an invite to join an Organization.

  • The hardware options displayed while creating a cluster have been renamed as "Option 1" and "Option 2".
  • CockroachDB Cloud users who are not a member of an existing Organization can now create an Organization when they log into the CockroachDB Cloud Console.

Doc changes

  • Documented the upgrade policy for CockroachDB upgrades for CockroachDB Cloud clusters.

March 2, 2020

General changes

  • CockroachDB Cloud pricing is now available on the pricing page.
  • CockroachDB Cloud clusters running CockroachDB v19.2 have been upgraded to v19.2.4. All new clusters will now be created with CockroachDB v19.2.4.
  • CockroachDB Cloud now offers two options for per-node hardware configuration instead of three options. The hardware configuration pricing has been updated accordingly.
  • Added a Sign up link to the CockroachDB Cloud Log In page.
  • While creating a new cluster, you can now type in the number of nodes you want in the cluster instead of having to click the + sign repeatedly.
  • The Create cluster page now displays the estimated hourly cost instead of the monthly cost.
  • Removed the cluster creation banner displayed at the top of the Clusters page.
  • CockroachDB Cloud now alphabetically sorts the nodes on a Cluster Overview page.
  • CockroachDB Cloud no longer displays IOPS per node on the Create cluster page.
  • Billing periods are now displayed in the UTC timezone.
  • If you are the only Admin for a CockroachDB Cloud Organization, you can no longer change your role to Developer. Assign another user as Admin and then change your role to Developer.

Security changes

  • CockroachDB Cloud now requires that the password for a SQL user is at least 12 characters in length.
  • CockroachDB Cloud now allows you to download the cluster's CA certificate directly from the shell instead of restricting the download functionality to a web browser.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where all organizations with billing enabled and without a billing email address were assigned an internal Cockroach Labs email address.
  • CockroachDB Cloud no longer displays an error message if the internal feature flag for billing is disabled for all organizations.
  • Fixed a bug that required users to update their email address on updating their billing address.
  • Names of deleted clusters can now be reused for new clusters.

Doc changes

Yes No
On this page

Yes No